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Physicists record ‘lifetime’ of graphene qubits

Researchers have recorded, for the first time, quantum coherence of a graphene-based superconducting qubit, meaning how long it stays in superposition to compute with...

Metamaterial with inherently robust sound transport

Researchers have developed a metamaterial that can transport sound in unusually robust ways along its edges and localize it at its corners.

Thriving on teamwork: New research shows how brain cells filter information in groups

For decades, scientists studying the visual system thought that individual brain cells, called neurons, operate as filters. Some neurons would prefer coarse details of...

‘Time is ripe’ to use big data for planet-sized plant questions

Scientists have issued a 'call to action' to use big data to tackle longstanding questions about plant diversity and evolution and forecast how plant...

Early protostar already has a warped disk

Using observations from the ALMA radio observatory in Chile, researchers have observed, for the first time, a warped disk around an infant protostar that...

Unmuting large silent genes lets bacteria produce new molecules, potential drug candidates

By enticing away the repressors dampening unexpressed, silent genes in Streptomyces bacteria, researchers at the have unlocked several large gene clusters for new natural...

Smelling in tiny houses: How ciliary electric currents keep olfaction reliable

Scientists have used a combination of mathematical modeling, electrophysiology, and computer simulations to explain how cells communicate effectively in highly constricted spaces such as...

New Horizons successfully explores Ultima Thule

NASA's New Horizons spacecraft flew past Ultima Thule in the early hours of New Year's Day, ushering in the era of exploration from the...

A new ‘atlas’ of genetic influences on osteoporosis

A ground-breaking new study has succeeded in compiling an atlas of genetic factors associated with estimated bone mineral density (BMD), one of the most...

New Horizons spacecraft homing in on Kuiper Belt target

Only hours from completing a historic flyby of Kuiper Belt object 2014 MU69, nicknamed Ultima Thule, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft is on course and...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...