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Jumping genes shed light on how advanced life may have emerged

A previously unappreciated interaction in the genome turns out to have possibly been one of the driving forces in the emergence of advanced life....

Powerful new map depicts environmental degradation across Earth

Geographers have created a new world map showing dramatic changes in land use over the last quarter century. Researchers turned high-resolution satellite images from...

Kindergarten difficulties may predict academic achievement across primary grades

Identifying factors that predict academic difficulties during elementary school should help inform efforts to help children who may be at risk. New research suggests...

As climate and land-use change accelerate, so must efforts to preserve California’s plants

A team developed a computer model that identifies the high-priority areas in California for preservation in order to save the state's native plants in...

‘True polar wander’ may have caused ice age

Earth's latest ice age may have been caused by changes deep inside the planet. Based on evidence from the Pacific Ocean, including the position...

Freeze-frame microscopy captures molecule’s ‘lock-and-load’ on DNA

One of the body's largest macromolecules is the machinery that gloms onto DNA and transcribes it into mRNA, the blueprint for proteins. But the...

Bending light around tight corners without backscattering losses

Researchers demonstrate a new optical waveguide capable of bending photons around tight corners on a smaller scale than previously possible. The technology is made...

Selling plants on Amazon: A forest of untapped opportunity

The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which horticultural businesses were directly selling live plant products online, either through Amazon,...

A new lead on a 50-year-old radiation damage mystery

For half a century, researchers have seen loops of displaced atoms appearing inside nuclear reactor steel after exposure to radiation, but no one could...

The engineering work of ants can influence paleoclimatic studies

The paleontological site of Somosaguas (Madrid) hosts a large colony of ants of the species Messor barbarus. A study has now revealed that the...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...